The Legacy of Hon. Dr. Mary N. Brownell
Sunrise: 12 March 1929
Sunset: 14 March 2017

Born on March 12, 1929, in Cavalla, Maryland County, Liberia. She came to Monrovia at age 5 and began pursuing primary education in 1937 at Suehn Baptist Mission in Bomi County. When women could not easily be seen in classrooms, mother Brownell proudly obtained a high school diploma from Liberia College which later became known as Laboratory High School and Martha Tubman Academy.
Cognizant of the challenges ahead and the need to pursue higher education in order to confront those challenges, mother Brownell enrolled at the University of Liberia and obtained a BSc. Degree in Primary Education in 1960. Still not satisfied with her educational status, she matriculated at San Francisco University in the USA and obtained an M.Sc Degree in School Supervision. She reached these enviable heights when many thought that a woman could not.
She began pursuing her dream as a teacher at St. Patricks School and later as an administrator of the Monrovia Consolidated School System (MCSS) and the Catholic School System. She served as President of the University of Liberia Alumni Association (ULAA).
Due to her outstanding performance as a seasoned administrator and a renowned educator, she became Principal of Boatswain School and Bong Mines School in Bong County.
Beyond this end and in pursuit of social justice, equality, freedom, and peace, mother Brownell birthed and served as the National Chairperson of the Liberia Women’s Initiative (LWI), an organization established to protect women’s rights and empower them. She became President of the Women Development Association of Liberia (WODAL) and subsequently Commissioner of the National Elections Commission. Besides her active involvement with peace initiatives locally, Dr. Brownell served as Chairperson of the Universal Peace Federation and became a Global Peace Ambassador. Ma Mary (as she was commonly called) led a group of determined women in white clothes to demand an end to Liberia’s bloody civil conflict. These women usually met at Fish Market, Sinkor (up to 2021 this site remained historic and sacred).
As a founding member of the Mano River Women Peace Network (MARWOPNET), a regional organization of women in Mano River countries committed to promoting peace, Dr. Brownell was a leading voice of peace and her genuine effort led to the end of a prolonged (14 years) civil crisis in Liberia in 2003. She led a “Stay Home” Action for Disarmament on January 10, 1997, alongside Arch Bishop Michael K. Francis, Sheikh Kafuma Konneh, Bishop Arthur F. Kulah, Arch Bishop George D. Brown, Arch Bishop William Nah Dixon, and Dr. Togba Nah Tipoteh. She along with other women of MARWOPNET were successful in bringing together three (3) Heads of State to negotiate a peace deal and put an end to bloodletting and mayhem across Liberia. This negotiation led to the Comprehensive Peace Accord in Accra, Ghana in 2003.
All through her lifetime, she was more passionate about promoting women’s rights and ensuring they have a voice in whatever decision that affects them directly or indirectly. Her vocal stance on issues inspired the hope, confidence, and self-worth of thousands of women across Liberia, Africa, and the World.
Her persistent opposition to the primitive belief that women were never created to lead, but to always be led by their male counterparts ignited an evolution of CHANGE and infused a new set of DYNAMICS into women’s advocacy. In the lenses of mother Brownell, this ancient belief was not only flawed but had no genuine basis especially so when women too were created in God’s image and endowed with great talents. She led an exemplary struggle for women to have a space in politics and decision-making in Liberia.
Mother Brownell will forever remain an emblem of feminism and a symbol of heroism for generations yet unborn. The accuracy of our history would be questioned if an entire chapter or more is not apportioned to vividly account for Mother Mary Brownell’s outstanding legacy.
This fallen heroine was an enthusiastic seeker of knowledge, a goal-getter, and an enterprising exemplar who never allowed her condition as a woman to hinder her dream. Her dream was to educate, mentor, and advocate for those in need, especially vulnerable women and girls.
Oldma Brownell was never afraid to speak out, especially against the ills of society. On one occasion, she lashed out at President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf for being too sympathetic with corrupt officials of her Government. While appearing before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) in August 2008 and serving as commencement speaker of the University of Liberia’s convocation in December 2013, this vocal and iconic heroine made a brilliant case through dozens of captivating recommendations in an effort to guarantee peace, prosperity and national unity. The extent of her boldness and audacity was unmatched. It reawakened the spirit and revived the dying hope of women to venture into areas of leadership, politics, science, business, and academia. Mother Brownell tirelessly worked towards and lived to see the first interim Chairwoman (Ruth Sando Perry) of the Council of State on September 3, 1996, and the first female President (Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf) of Liberia on January 16, 2006.
Today, we have an Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia (AFELL) and a Ministry of Gender. Today, women are political leaders, standard-bearers, and vice standards of political parties. They now have the right to vote and be voted for. Today, Liberian women are ministers, managing directors, business leaders, heads of NGOs, and INGOs. Some of them are even professors, administrators, and specialists in a variety of fields. Today, they are free to speak out on radios and televisions and sit at the table to decide their own destiny.
Furthermore, the home of mother Brownell was a safe haven for revolutionaries and progressive forces of SUP, PAL, SISSUKU, and MOJA. Progressive militants and ideologues who fought against elitism and a one-party system under the moribund True Whig Party ran to her home for economic and political rescue. She was always benevolent to them as a mother, advisor, and activist. She had in mind that equality and justice for all were the basis of a peaceful and prosperous nation.
When Ebola was ravaging our land in 2014, Dr. Brownell again stood up with a group of patriotic volunteers to combat this deadly virus through an organization (Servants of Africa Fighting Ebola – SAFE) she formed.
These are fulfillments mother Brownell stood up for and fought for all through her lifetime. The barrier of low self-esteem was broken. She lived to fulfill this mission. This is why we owe it to her. Her legacy deserves to be celebrated by all Liberians especially women.
Tuesday, March 14, 2017, at 1:00 a.m. will remain fresh on our minds. Our heroine par excellence has gone at age 88. Oldma Brownell was actually a LIGHT in DARKNESS.
Without doubt, mother Mary Brownell will be remembered as:
• A Seasoned Educator and Administrator
• An Outstanding Feminist
• A Venerated Stateswoman
• A Vocal Voice of Hope and Inspiration
• A Fearless Advocate
• A Symbol of Peace and National Unity
• The Dorcas of our Nation and Mother of the Progressives
• A Disciplinarian and Mentor
• A Patriot of Humility and Integrity
Ma Mary N. Brownell was truly a woman destined to impact her nation and inspire many lives.
Until we meet again, sleep on in martyrdom Ma Mary.